Can we create energy from nothing?


Yes we can, provided we understand the principles behind energy manifestation.

In reality, we live in a universe in which the laws of mathematical indices hold true.

In particular any number A^0=1 hold true. Hold on to this thought while we explore the universe.

The universe is underpinned by the laws of mathematical indices at every level from the smallest atoms to the largest galaxies. All natural phenomena express the principle of mathematical indices from solitons to the Lorenz attractor. All natural phenomena conform to the same mathematical principle.

Why should that be so?

Why do the DNA molecule, flowers, trees, hurricanes, whirlpools and galaxies conform to the same shape? Why do these unrelated phenomena exhibit the same shape?

The answer to this lie in understanding metaphysics, in particular in understanding the aesthetic imperative that hold the universe together. The universe is an exclusively spatial phenomenon with a touch of rainbow just to add some colour to it. Much of the universe lie outside of human perception.

But human consciousness of the whole universe in its entirety is conceivable provided humans use the right faculties.

If humans use the particle accelerator to smash subatomic particles, then they end up with a particle zoo. The realm of immutable principles lie outside of physics which conform to it. Energy is the the illusory manifestation of harmonic time, from which it is a resultant.

The above figure shows a spherical spiral which represents the universe. That which spins is the vertical time axis. Time spins to produce space.

A view of the spherical spiral from above reveals the logarithmic spiral. The universe we live in is based on shape. This shape is maintained and is immutable.

The trick in creating energy from nothing comes from understanding that there is a gradient in space vortices where energy can be harnessed. Space is an attractive force. This is enlightening: Questions and Answers on Space Vortex Theory (SVT) -

Vimanas are anti-gravity vehicles that can create vortices locally in space and is “sucked” into it making it travel - not through space - but into vortices.

A^0=1 implies that indices play a key role in the realm of principles. It is the zeroth power that the universe is based on. The zeroth power inevitably points to one source. Understanding Immutable principles is the objective of human consciousness. Using power to do good is a consequence of the link between generosity and consciousness.

Vortices in nature can be used to travel in physical space if one possesses the technology to make it happen.

Other sources of energy can come from fathoming the meaning of vibration as a manifestation of a spatial phenomenon. Nicola Tesla has done work on this.

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