Aesthetics as the Reason and the Goal

Tyranny is for atheists as liberation is for theists.

I’ll tell you why.

The rhetoric of the atheistic mind is mired within the confines of physical manifestations and their particle zoo while theistic arguments soar into the realm of principles from which the realm of physical manifestation is viewed as a mere speck in the infinitude of the universe.

The atheistic mind is stuck on earth confined as it were within their engineering constructions while the theistic mind flies freely in the heavens with angelic wings namely using Bismillahirrahmaanirraheem.

We are already picoseconds away from utter destruction and still there are people who cannot make the metaphysical connection of Consciousness, Intelligence to Love to power, truth and beauty. This is the constitution of the universe and is the integrity of it.

Briefly, and in relation to Gaza, there is a profound message that highlights the beauty of Palestinian resilience as a cosmic phenomenon. This is the reason why people in non-traditional areas, such as South and North America, are increasingly interested in the spirit of Gaza, which shines so brightly today that one would be spiritually blind not to recognize it.

The diagram above shows at once the idea behind the universe. Subjectivity is comprised of consciousness, truth and beauty while objectivity is associated with truth, beauty and power. Yinyang is the coupling of subjectivity with objectivity to form a harmonious unit.

Modernism has the tendency to emphasize power to the detriment of the other essentials of metaphysics which leads to imbalance and an obsession with physicality.

Back to the universe proper, to be sure, the realm of physicality is a fleeting manifestation of the design aspects of it. Curves and waves are the principles behind physical phenomena in the universe.

The universe is a 100 percent love of beauty construct. The universe is full of waves and vibrations and is not empty. The universe is sculptured out of space, the illusory manifestation of which appears physical. The realm of physicality is fleeting while the beautiful designs behind it is permanent. Plato referred to the designs in nature as archetypes.

The universe is also a 100 percent subjective construct with beauty as its purpose. The C-value paradox is explained not by an obsession with numbers but by a sense of fanciful humor. The C-value paradox is the biggest clue that we have in scientistic circles that DNA is a subjective and fanciful phenomenon.

Fractals and logarithmic spirals in the universe are not “accidents of nature”. Nay, they are orchestrated by the supreme aesthete for the sake of love of beauty. The supreme aesthete wants to be surrounded by beauty.

Behold the ultimate beauty construct. The above diagram shows a DNA model. DNA is composed of two strands that coil around each other to form a double helix. In this construction, we find aesthetic principles reflected in the universe.

The DNA molecule is about its design. Like every other phenomenon in the universe, the overall shape of the molecule takes precedence over the details, which are thrown in to make DNA functional and life possible.

As a case in point, I will state that the DNA molecule is primarily a love of beauty construct. Less than 1 percent of DNA genome is functional, which points that its construction points to something else other than biological function playing a role behind its existence.

DNA is the ultimate beauty construct. Its shape is a semiotic Garden of Eden for people with understanding.

DNA is a pseudorandom phenomenon. In fact, the algorithm behind DNA construction is geared towards beauty. The DNA molecule is of supreme design, which cannot result from so-called random events, or a series of them. A series of random events cannot significantly increase the likelihood of low entropy events occurring. The DNA is a low entropy construct. It is extremely stable.

At this juncture, I will criticize those who describe life as an ‘emergent event,’ as if an adult could suddenly develop new physical features. The DNA molecule is not the product of an emergent event; rather, it is the outcome of meticulous planning by an unseen Aesthete.

The metaphysical connection mentioned above is integral to why we are here.

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