
Showing posts from 2022

Nothingness is a non Empty Set: It is Chock Full of Spirals

  I begin by stating: Descriptions are not explanations. Descriptions answer the question "how" while explanations answer the question "why". Reason, motivation, and even inspiration answer the question "why". Emptiness is an optical illusion, exactly like physicality. In reality the universe is chock full of spirals, which belong to the spatial phenomenon. There are lots we can discuss about existence. Existence is an optical illusion.  The complement to existence is nothingness, which, contrary to popular belief is a non-empty set. Nothingness is full of space. Nothingness is filled to the brim with space. Space is never empty. To be more rigorous, space is a never an empty set. Existence proceeds from nothingness.  In terms of structure, existence reflects and is reflected by the spiral and the sigmoid curve which is basically a curved line, the former is visible - the spiral curve - while the latter - the sigmoid curve - is hidden and is not i...

Intelligent Design, Beauty and Integrity of the Universe: No Conundrum

Simply, we don't. If we attempt to refute intelligent design, we will end up contradicting ourselves since we are aiming in the wrong direction.There is no conundrum if we understand that the intelligent design has beauty as its aim. Love of beauty is imbued at every level in the universe. Love of beauty is what design is all about. The beauty of the universe has no blemish, thereby reflecting perfection. At the outset, I will state that the source code of the universe can be extracted from its signature shape which is the spiral: 1110 is the source code of the universe. This code is well known and it codes for beauty. An arrangement of the source code gives the coefficient matrix associated with the Fibonacci sequence. The simulation aspect of the universe involves getting subjects, namely humans and jinn, to understand that the universe is very much a subjective phenomenon: Divine subjectivity wishes to express its love for beauty by using its own imagination creatively. The enti...

Video Infoblog: MandelbrotSet as a Quasi Black Hole


Video Infoblog/; What's so special about the Mandelbrot Set? - Numberphile


Nothingness is a Non-Empty Set

  (1) Things that do not exist do not need to be referred to in the first place and so a discussion of that which does not exist is futile.  (2) On the other hand, there are lots we can discuss about existence. Existence is an optical illusion.    (3) The complement to existence is nothingness, which, contrary to popular belief is a non-empty set. Nothingness is full of space. Nothingness is filled to the brim with space. Space is never empty. To be more rigorous, space is a never an empty set.    (4) Existence proceeds from nothingness.    (5) In terms of structure, existence reflects and is reflected by the spiral and the sigmoid curve which is basically a curved line, the former is visible - the spiral curve - while the latter - the sigmoid curve - is hidden and is not in plain sight. There are lots of things in nature which are not in plain sight. In plants for example, the phloem and the xylem exist but both are not in plain sight. In the ...

Notes: How to Spot a Wormhole

Source:  -  The vast majority of black holes we have identified are known either from their gravitational effects on stars around them, or from the jets of material shooting out of their accretion disks. If any of these were actually wormholes, it’s unlikely we would know. However, the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration’s observation of the polarization around M87* and its follow-up on Sagittarius A* are a different matter. In these cases, we saw the shadow of the object itself against its event horizon, and might hope to notice something if we were really looking at a wormhole.  

Link to - Corals, crochet and the cosmos: how hyperbolic geometry pervades the universe

 Link to - Corals, crochet and the cosmos: how hyperbolic geometry pervades the universe  -

Foundations of the Universe

 What are the foundational principles governing the structures that exist in the universe? * Self-similarity ^ Complimentarity * As above, so below: * As within, so without: * The Fractal Universe:  Further reading:  ,  , The Strange Similarity between Neuron and Galaxy Network B eauty: The Anthropic Principle -  

video Infoblog: What Is The Shape of Space? (ft. PhD Comics)


Video Infoblog -Non-Euclidean Geometry Explained - Hyperbolica Devlog #1


Fractals: Truth in Beauty and the Beauty of Truth

    The Fractal Revolution in Society, Social Media First - As time passes, there will be more people who will become aware of the artistic factor principle in the universe. connection between the precedence of consciousness over fractal imagination.    As time passes, more and more people will become increasing aware that the universe is an imaginative construct, that the realm of the physical is the horizontal plane while the realm of time is the vertically oriented - dimensionwise - towards the physical dimension, as shown in the image above.

Video Infoblog: SHOCKED EVERYONE! The Big Bang May Have NEVER Happened.


Infoblog - Chaos in One Equation

 Infoblog - Chaos in One Equation

Why did our universe begin?

Why did our universe begin? Out universe began because of a conscious yearning - love - for beauty. Every detail in the cosmos conforns to principles that engender beayty. Cosmic art at every level is a rigorous expression by a certain subjective consciousness which is projected objectively. It is for the love of beauty that the cosmos is conceived. At every moment, a fresh universe is "blown into existence". The universe is sustained through a continual metaphysical blowings of smoke ring structures that coagulates into fractal shapes in the realm of manifestation resulting in variations of a single geometry. This is how beautiful structures in the universe come into existence. Nothing in the universe occurs by accident. Like a painting, every minute brush stroke is expressed with love for beauty. Do check out Hosukai's well known painting which is named "the Wave off Kanagawa", which is a painting which expressses self similarity eminently. Art mimics cosmic e...

Spiralling motion

  Original source: -

The Scale Free Similarity of Neuron and Galaxy Networks and Everything Else in Between

The Strange Similarity of Neuron and Galaxy Networks Your life’s memories could, in principle, be stored in the universe’s structure. - Humans do have guidance regarding this so called "strange similarity" which in reality is not strange but in fact does conform certain strict principles: The meaning of the verse above: We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness? What is the principle that connects neurons and galaxies? Answer to this is scale free fractal self similarity at every level, that is. in the large as well as in the small. Let's check whether there exist other phenomena which conforms to scale free fractal self similarity. We find trees or vegetation reflects this principle. The structure - ma...

What is the nature of the universe?

What is the nature of the universe? If we know the answer, will it help us understand what's going on in it. What is the nature of the universe? Answer is: It is a space complexity phenomenon. From the ubiquity of the Fibonacci sequence that the universe exhibits, we can deduce there exist sophistication behind it. We can come to this conclusion from information theory. The universe exhibits the Fibonacci spiral. This is the universal arrangement preference of the universe. This arrangement occurs with ubiquity and not sporadically. The Fibonacci spiral screams loudly in the phenomena in the universe. As a space complexity phenomenon, we can discern an algorithm. What does the data structure tell us about the type of phenomenon the universe is? The universe is spatially complex. This is the result of analysis. When we look at what is displayed in the realm of nature around us in the universe, we see its beauty. The beauty that the universe exhibits is the direct result of variegati...

Secrets of the Soliton

The soliton as archetype. What is a soliton? “  solitary waves.. that.. could collide with each other and yet preserve their shapes and speeds after the collision. “ obtained from here:

Findings: Soliton Group Wave Packet on beautiful sunset at Lake Wakapitu | Profess...


Soliton Bare Essentials

Simple Harmonic Motion is shown above. A soliton wave is shown above. A soliton is a propagating wave packet which does not dissipate its energy during propagation, and with the additional property that it is so stable that it can collide with other solitons and emerge unaffected with respect to energy.. Soliton Pulse - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics SOLITONS | Soliton Communication Systems More about solitons here:     A rainbow wave - shown above - is an archetype. Link to the plan view of chakras - latifah - is shown above. Moving chakras GIF picture. Frontal view of the microcosmos. Human chakras link:  

The Emotional Element: The Love of Curves

Why Our Brains Love The Curve -   Lines Have Emotions! - xjFMGfXNqGhGi8Igbgb8I  

The Golden Section 2006 Research by Alexei Stakhov

Fundamentals of a new kind of mathematics based on the Golden Section by Stakhov, Alexey. (2006) -   Stakhov, Alexey. (2006). Fundamentals of a new kind of mathematics based on the Golden Section. Chaos Solitons & Fractals - CHAOS SOLITON FRACTAL. 27. 1124-1146. 10.1016/j.chaos.2005.05.008. The attempt of build up the Fundamentals of a new mathematical direction, which is called Harmony Mathematics, is addressed in the present article. The article has a “strategic” importance for development of computer science and theoretical physics.   The attempt of build up the Fundamentals of a new mathematical direction, which is called Harmony Mathematics , is addressed in the present article. The article has a “strategic” importance for development of computer science and theoretical physics. Introduction As is well known, mathematics is one of the outstanding creations of the human intellect;...