Why did our universe begin?

Why did our universe begin?

Out universe began because of a conscious yearning - love - for beauty.

Every detail in the cosmos conforns to principles that engender beayty. Cosmic art at every level is a rigorous expression by a certain subjective consciousness which is projected objectively. It is for the love of beauty that the cosmos is conceived.

At every moment, a fresh universe is "blown into existence". The universe is sustained through a continual metaphysical blowings of smoke ring structures that coagulates into fractal shapes in the realm of manifestation resulting in variations of a single geometry. This is how beautiful structures in the universe come into existence.

Nothing in the universe occurs by accident. Like a painting, every minute brush stroke is expressed with love for beauty. Do check out Hosukai's well known painting which is named "the Wave off Kanagawa", which is a painting which expressses self similarity eminently. Art mimics cosmic expressions in Hosukai's artistic sensibilities.

There is an unmistable paralllel between Plato's allegory of the cave and Javanese shadow puppetry. Plato likens the realm of manifestations as a play of shadows. The puppets belong to the realm of forms and fractals whereas the play of shadows belong to the physical realm.


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