Intelligent Design, Beauty and Integrity of the Universe: No Conundrum

Simply, we don't. If we attempt to refute intelligent design, we will end up contradicting ourselves since we are aiming in the wrong direction.There is no conundrum if we understand that the intelligent design has beauty as its aim. Love of beauty is imbued at every level in the universe. Love of beauty is what design is all about. The beauty of the universe has no blemish, thereby reflecting perfection.

At the outset, I will state that the source code of the universe can be extracted from its signature shape which is the spiral: 1110 is the source code of the universe. This code is well known and it codes for beauty. An arrangement of the source code gives the coefficient matrix associated with the Fibonacci sequence.

The simulation aspect of the universe involves getting subjects, namely humans and jinn, to understand that the universe is very much a subjective phenomenon: Divine subjectivity wishes to express its love for beauty by using its own imagination creatively. The entire simulation occurs within the mind of the Divine.

Participation in the love for beauty is reflected everywhere in the universe from atoms to galaxies. How? The realm of space is used generously to reflect love of beauty. As a case in point, the structure of DNA is a beauty construct over and above functionality. Only 3 percent of genetic material codes usefully for proteins. The rest of the 97 percent are there for beauty purposes. From the point of view of intelligent design functionality is easy. The whole point about DNA and the rest of the universe is that the realm of space reflects Divine generosity.

Let's examine the connection between fractal beauty and the management of space. The spiral is especially beautiful so much so that Divine Will sees fit to use it as the cosmic blueprnt. The dimensional aspects of the spiral are two; a horizontal aspect of the blueprint is manifested as the flatness of the cosmos while the vertical aspect of the spiral passses through the midpoint of the spiral. The vertical aspect of the cosmic blueprint is unseen. Associated with the spiral midpoint is a sigmoid beam that pierces through it. Whenever an object traverses through space, such as the trajectories of planets, stars or galaxies traversing through cosmic space, they trace out the spiral shape. Similarly, all other moving objects in the universe trace out the spiral shape. The Divine will desires to see only the most beautiful shapes being manifested in the universe.

Do notice that the curved geomtry of space is an exhibition of the law of mathematical indices. This stems from the inevitable implication of the exponential laws on the one hand and the rules of logarithms on the other that belies curvature. The only way that curvature is expressed is via nonlinearity. Another way to express this is to realise that the universe is based on and can only arise out of a system of nonlinear equations together with initial conditions. The universe is a Lorenz system.

The above is an illustration of the cosmic geometry. It shows a Lorenz attractor, popularly known as the butterfly effect. It is an exhibition of a system of nonlinear equations with initial conditions. It is a fractal. Fractals are self similar shapes that look the same under different scales.

It is a truism that movements through space conform to principles of fractal beauty. Fractally beautiful shapes including spiral trajectories rule the cosmos. The motions of moving bodies fulfil the shape that ezpresse love of beauty. Solitons are no exception. Solitons are solitary waves that exemplifies beauty. Do savor the "soliton nature" website -
  • by Sergei Eremenko. It is a delight.

The universe is designed intelligently because of a conscious love for beauty. The universe is a beautiful expression of beauty as the object of love, which is subjective. The realm of space is a surface phenomenon subtended by an unseen field. The field and the surface form a complementary pair.The field represents immutability or necessity whereas the surface represents contingency. The surface flat as is the shape of the spiral. Every object - from atoms to galaxies - in the universe exhibit this structure: an unseen field encompasing a spiral. The existence of the unseen field corresponds to truth of intelligence whereas the existence of the spiral which is visible corresponds to love of beauty. The unseeen-visible structure is a what in Chinese philosophy is called a complementary yin-yang phenomenon.

One of the most important aims of the simulationis to find out to what extent humans express love for beauty. There are a number of ways to do this.


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