The Golden Section 2006 Research by Alexei Stakhov

Fundamentals of a new kind of mathematics based on the Golden Section by Stakhov, Alexey. (2006)
Stakhov, Alexey. (2006). Fundamentals of a new kind of mathematics based on the Golden Section. Chaos Solitons & Fractals - CHAOS SOLITON FRACTAL. 27. 1124-1146. 10.1016/j.chaos.2005.05.008. The attempt of build up the Fundamentals of a new mathematical direction, which is called Harmony Mathematics, is addressed in the present article. The article has a “strategic” importance for development of computer science and theoretical physics.
The attempt of build up the Fundamentals of a new mathematical direction, which is called Harmony Mathematics, is addressed in the present article. The article has a “strategic” importance for development of computer science and theoretical physics.
As is well known, mathematics is one of the outstanding creations of the human intellect; a result of centuries of intensive and continuous creative work of man’s geniuses. What is the goal of mathematics? The answer is not simple. Probably, the goal of mathematics is to discover “mathematical laws of the Universe” and to construct models of the physical world. It is clear that the progress of the human society depends on the knowledge of these laws.

During historical progress, mankind realized that it is surrounded by a huge number of different “worlds”: the “world” of geometric space, the “world” of mechanical and astronomical phenomena, the “world” of stochastic processes, the “world” of information, the “world” of electromagnetism, the “world” of botanical and biological phenomena, and the “world” of art, etc. For simulation and mathematical description of each of these “worlds”, mathematicians created the appropriate mathematical theory most suitable to the phenomena and processes of this or that “world”. To describe a geometric space, Euclid wrote his book The Elements. To simulate the mechanical and astronomical phenomena, Newton created the theory of gravitation and differential and integral calculus. Maxwell’s theory was created to describe the electromagnetic phenomena; the theory of probabilities was created for simulation of the stochastic “world”. In the 19th century, Lobachevsky created non-Euclidean geometry which is a deeper model of the geometric space. We can go on mentioning infinitely many such examples.

Modern mathematics is a complex set of different mathematical concepts and theories. One of the major problems of mathematical research is to find connections between separate mathematical theories. This always leads to the deepening of our knowledge about Nature and shows a deep connection between Nature and Universal laws.

Modern mathematics experienced a complex stage in its development. The prolonged crisis of its bases was connected to paradoxes in Cantor’s theory of infinite sets. The passion of mathematicians for abstractions and generalizations broke the contact with natural sciences that are a source of mathematical origin. This has compelled many outstanding mathematicians of the 20th century to talk about a serious crisis in modern mathematics and even about its isolation from the general course of scientific and technical progress. In this connection the publication of the book Mathematics, The Loss of Certainty [1], written by Moris Kline, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics of Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (New York University), is symptomatic.

In this situation, the representatives of other scientific disciplines, namely, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and even arts, began to develop what may be called natural mathematics, which can be used effectively for mathematical simulations of physical, biological, chemical, engineering and other processes. The idea of soft mathematics gained more and more attractiveness. Humanitarization of mathematics is being discussed as a tendency in the development of modern science [2]. In this connection the book Meta-language of the Living Nature [3] written by the famous Russian architect, Shevelev, can be considered as an attempt to create one more variant of natural mathematics.

Harmony Mathematics that was developed by the author for many years [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22] belongs to a category of similar mathematical directions. In its sources this new mathematical theory goes back to the Pythagorean Doctrine about Numerical Harmony of the Universe. Since the antique period, many outstanding scientists and thinkers like Leonardo da Vinci, Luca Pacioli, Johannes Kepler, Leibnitz, Zeizing, Binet, Lucas, Einstein, Vernadsky, Losev, Florensky paid a great attention to this scientific doctrine.

The main goal of the present article is to state the fundamentals of the Harmony Mathematics [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], that is, to describe its basic concepts and theories and to discuss its applications in modern science.

Section snippets
A combinatorial approach to the Harmony Mathematics
For the first time the consecutive representation about the world as internally contradictory and harmoniously whole was developed by the ancient Greeks. In Ancient Greece the studying of the Beauty essence was formed into a independent scientific branch called aesthetics, which was inseparable from cosmology in ancient sciences. The Pythagorean doctrine about the Universe Harmony had a particular importance for the aesthetics history because it was the first attempt to understand the concept
In the beginning of the 20th century in Saqqara (Egypt), archeologists opened the crypt, in which the remnants of the Egyptian architect by name Khesi-Ra were buried. In the literature, this name often matches as Khesira. It is supposed that Khesi-Ra was the contemporary of Imhotep who lived in the period of the pharaoh Zoser (27th century BC) because in the crypt the printings of this pharaoh are found. The wood panels, which were covered with a magnificent carving, were extracted from the
Generalized Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci p-numbers
Let us consider a rectangular Pascal triangle (see Table 2) and its “modified” variants given by Table 3, Table 4.
Note that the binomial coefficient
in Table 2 is on the intersection of the nth column (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …) and the kth row (k = 0, 1, 2, 3, …) of the Pascal triangle. If we sum the binomial coefficients of Table 2 by columns, we will get the “binary” sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, …, 2n, … In the combinatorial analysis this result is expressed in the form of the following elegant
Conclusion and discussion

The main goal of this research is to develop the Fundamentals of a Harmony Mathematics that was proclaimed by the author in [11]. Clearly, Harmony concept is very complex subject because it expresses both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of this or that object or phenomenon. However at the mathematical study of the Harmony concept, we disregard the qualitative aspects and focus all our attention on the quantitative aspects of the Harmony concept. Such an approach leads us to the


Though all the basic ideas and concepts of the Harmony Mathematics had been developed by the author independently (see author’s works [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [19]), but in the recent years a significant contribution to development of this theory was made by Boris Rozin (see our common articles [18], [20], [21], [22]). The author would like to express his gratitude to Boris Rozin for active participation in the development of Harmony

References (49)


A.P. Stakhov
Comput Math Appl
·        A. Stakhov et al.
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
·        M.S. El Naschie
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
·        M.S. El Naschie
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
·        M.S. El Naschie
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
·        M.S. El Naschie
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
·        C.P. Spears et al.
Asymmetric cell division: binomial identities for age analysis of mortal vs. immortal trees
Appl Fibonacci Numb
·        Claude Shannon
The works on the information theory and cybernetics
·        O.Y. Bodnar
The golden section and non-Euclidean geometry in nature and art
·        Brousentsov NP. Computing machine “Setun” of Moscow State University. Collection of the articles new developments on...

Cited by (35)


Lerch distribution based on maximum nonsymmetric entropy principle: Application to Conway's game of life cellular automaton


2021, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

2018, Chinese Journal of Physics
Citation Excerpt :
Detailed analyses and applications of several chaotic systems in different fields like physics, control, artificial neural networks, communications and computer science have been introduced in the literature [9–15]. Golden section [16] (golden proportion, golden mean) is another interesting interdisciplinary subject. There is presently an increasing interest of modern science in the applications of the golden section in many different fields such as several researches in crystallography [17], in astronomy, theoretical physics [18–22] and physics of the high energy particles [23–25].
2016, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Citation Excerpt :
In this study, we investigate the compound diminishment of a system and a diminishing system in a viscous medium with a constant acquisition quantity in each step of the process. A similar natural process can also be observed in human behavior [79], but this is outside the scope of our study. Within the framework of standard mathematics, Hamiltons equations define the motions of bodies that move randomly, such as Brownian motion, but deterministic mechanistic approaches are inadequate for the statistical description of the dynamics of complex systems [10–25].
2015, Applied Mathematics and Computation
Citation Excerpt :
In this regard one of the functions of the fractional calculus namely Mittag–Leffler (M–L) function is achieved by cumulative growth process should be noted. It is expected that, to an extent, the inadequacies of the standard approach are overcome [34–50]. In order to justify the vibrancy of field of this research, recent articles which are within the framework of social science should be mentioned.
2009, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
2009, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
View all citing articles on Scopus
Research article

Filtering and Smoothing of Hidden Monotonic Trends and Application to Fouling Detection


IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 54, Issue 3, 2021, pp. 427-432

    Research article
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, Volume 46, Part B, 2014, pp. 217-227
    Research article
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 313, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 50-66
    Research article
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume 168, 2018, pp. 323-333
    Research article
Statistics & Probability Letters, Volume 116, 2016, pp. 1-5
    Research article
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 415, 2014, pp. 229-239
 Further reading:



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