Express the closed form formula for Catalan numbers.
Catalan numbers appear in various combinatorial problems. They count specific types of lattice paths, permutations, binary trees, and other combinatorial objects. Let’s dive into their properties and the closed-form formula.
Recurrence Relation:
- The Catalan numbers satisfy a fundamental recurrence relation: [ C_0 = 1 ] [ C_{n+1} = \sum_{i=0}^{n} C_i C_{n-i} ]
Closed-Form Formula:
- The closed-form expression for the (n)th Catalan number ((C_n)) involves binomial coefficients: [ C_n = \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{2n}{n} ]
First Few Catalan Numbers:
- Here are the initial Catalan numbers: [ C_0 = 1 ] [ C_1 = 1 ] [ C_2 = 2 ] [ C_3 = 5 ] [ C_4 = 14 ] [ C_5 = 42 ]
- Valid Parentheses Expressions: The (n)th Catalan number represents the number of valid parenthesis expressions with (n) pairs of parentheses.
- Lattice Paths: Catalan numbers count certain types of lattice paths (e.g., paths from ((0,0)) to ((n,n)) that stay above the diagonal).
- Binary Trees: They also relate to the number of distinct binary trees with (n+1) leaves.
Remember, these numbers have intriguing connections across various mathematical domains! 🌟12.