Fractal Principles of Cosmic Beauty

One can use Python programming language to generate the Mandelbrot set, which is shown as the black region in the left picture. The picture on the right shows a circle coloured black. 

Here's an interesting illustration of how the Mandelbrot set is generated: 
Fathoming principles that engender beauty will lead you to understand how the realm of physicality in the universe conforms to principles of fractal geometry. Why do physical manifestations in the universe display fractal geometric results?

The characteristics of natural physical entities conform to principles of geometry, fractal geometry to be more precise.

Fractals are never-ending similar patterns, and these are found in the realm of nature to repletion.
To put it in another way: the manner in which physical entities arrange themselves conforms to produce beautiful patterns. The universal forces “conspire” to ensure that only beautiful shapes are displayed. This is true on every scale from atoms to galaxies.

An understanding that consciousness precedes its effects is the key to understanding why the universe exists in the first place. The universe is the effect of a hidden cause, similar to someone knocking on the door.

Fractals are sophisticated because the rules of it are few but it engenders infinite manifestations based on just those few rules. Fractals are the results of the same code used repeatedly. The universe is an iterated function system.

Fractals -

How Do Fractals Appear in Nature? 10 Outstanding Examples -
The "how" points to "why". How points to processes whereas why points to reasons. How describes phenomena but why explains their existence. The why of reasons takes precedence over the how processes take place. The question of why explains the motivation behind how the processes in phenomena occur. Reasons drive processes. The why drives the how.

Why do fractals appear in nature? Because Allah loves beauty and wants to be surrounded by beauty.

I’ll present just two verses of the Qur’an, both of which refer to the reality that the physical universe conforms to geometrical principles or simply fractal patterns or shapes.

Quran 41:53 Meaning of the verse: We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?

Commentary: As within, so without. We are expected to compare the shapes that exist within the human body to shapes outside the body. The Qur’an affirms scale invariance and self-similarity.

Fractals are found within the human body:

2. Quran 55:6: Meaning of the verse: The stars and the trees bow down ˹in submission˺.

Commentary: From this verse, we are expected to delve into the principle: As above, so below.

Why are stars and trees placed next to each other? This is not what we would expect. Why are stars and trees compared with each other? More importantly, how do they bow down - conform - “in submission”? What principles (of arrangement) do stars and trees conform to?

Stars and trees conform to the principles of fractal geometry. Once again, the Quran emphasizes scale invariance and self-similarity.

Fractal geometry in the realm of nature is a different way of looking at the universe as compared to the Newtonian view of the universe. In fact, Newtonian physics conforms to the principles of fractal geometry.
In two-body problems, the behaviour of these bodies conforms to the power of two laws, which is nonlinear or an exhibition of fractal curves or curves that exhibit self-similarity under all scales:

Only the most beautiful shapes exhibit themselves in the realm of nature. Why? Because Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. This is a well-known tradition or hadith:

Allah uses fractal principles to express truth beautifully in the Qur’an:

Fractal Design of Quran -

This fractal approach recognizes Allah as the Supreme Designer (al Musawwir) and Muslims are urged to study both the Qur’an and the Great Open Book of Nature and compare the structures found therein.

Angels and Muslims recite the Qur’an so as to participate in it and reflect the love that Allah expresses for beauty.

The fractal approach paves the way to an understanding of the universe and the Qur’an using meta-structures that are entrenched within both of them.

Here are the results of the fractal approach to understanding the universe: The Nonlinear Universe – Solitons and Chaos:

Why nonlinear? Because Allah the curves that are exhibited in the universe.

The Qur’an is coagulated cosmic harmony in written form.

However, the Qur’an remains primarily an acoustic phenomenon and a beautiful one at that.

Using a finite number of sounds, one is able to reflect fractal self-similarity

Associated with harmonics is the topic of resonance - String Resonance -

The universe is the effect of angels reciting harmonically, praising Allah. It’s a haunting tune, one which beckons humans to join in so as to please Allah.

The universe - everything about it and everything in it - is a harmonic phenomenon.

Using the Mandelbrot Set as the model of the universe, we find the Sea Horse Valley of the Mandelbrot Set marking the harmonic stable fractal region within while the region outside the sea horse valley which expresses disharmonious instability.

The universe belongs to Allah who expresses harmony for the love of beauty in it. The dis-harmonic instability lies outside the Mandelbrot set and is where demons reside.

All within the framework in which Allah has total control of the universe, the Mandelbrot set represents its blueprint.

The key takeaway is the universe is an expression of beauty and stability.

Here’s a webpage that illustrates that in principle:

Reference: Mandelbrot Set Cosmology -


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