
Showing posts from January, 2023

Fractal Principles of Cosmic Beauty

One can use Python programming language to generate the Mandelbrot set, which is shown as the black region in the left picture. The picture on the right shows a circle coloured black.  Here's an interesting illustration of how the Mandelbrot set is generated:    Fathoming principles that engender beauty will lead you to understand how the realm of physicality in the universe conforms to principles of fractal geometry. Why do physical manifestations in the universe display fractal geometric results? The characteristics of natural physical entities conform to principles of geometry, fractal geometry to be more precise. Fractals are never-ending similar patterns, and these are found in the realm of nature to repletion.   To put it in another way: the manner in which physical entities arrange themselves conforms to produce beautiful patterns. The universal forces “conspire” to ensure that only beautiful shapes are displayed. Th...

Article Link Blogged: The Remarkable Emptiness of Existence

The Remarkable Emptiness of Existence -  

Atomic solitons as a new class of solitons

Atomic solitons as a new class of solitons -  

Appreciation of Beauty in Nature

Appreciation of Beauty in Nature The Supernatural in nature. How to place the infinite within the finite?  

The Structure of Nothing

    Yes, it is possible to have nothing to exist structurally.  It even looks like nothing, 0. There exist a structure to nothing that everyone can conceive.  The name of the structure I'm referring to is the logarithmic involute, The physical universe is an illusory manifestation of this geometric structure.  The spin gives the illusion of matter because spin gives rise to angular momentum.  This object gives rise to the subjective feeling of "being rooted" and safe, This same structure engenders the feeling of being in suspended earthly animation, suspended between immutable geometric reality and fleeting physical existence, that is to say, it makes us feel as if we are in limbo, which we must not or never dismiss..  

Infoblog: What is the universe made of and how?

What is the universe made of and how?   The universe is made of curved lines. There is nothing but curved lines in the universe.   In fact, the universe is chock full of curved lines.   The universe is a two dimensional phenomenon. It is comprised of a vertical dimension and a horizontal dimension.     As shown above, the universe is a harmonic dance with the (vertically aligned) black ball representing time and the red ball representing energy or angular momentum.   I subscribe to the view that the universe is a totally imaginal construct that occupies a 100 percent of space represented by the entire wave frequency spectrum 0-infinity with only blips of wave frequency waves comprising 0 percent of the entire spectrum manifesting as the rainbow frequencies.   The minuscule range of the light spectrum is significant, yet it does not occupy even 1 percent of the whole range. All of the above is a side show in the sense that they com...