
Showing posts from October, 2024

Video: Purdue PHYS 342 L1.6: Classical Models: Compton Effect

Transcript 0:01 check it out now 0:04 y'all nanohub U online 0:09 instruction hi we're back again and 0:11 we're we're here to discuss uh this uh 0:14 experiment that was performed by Compton 0:17 and it's referred to as Compton effect 0:19 or Compton 0:20 scattering and U it uh it had 0:23 historically it was a very important 0:25 result and I like to explain the 0:27 experiment and try to explain why it was 0:30 so 0:32 important so first of all uh the 0:36 experiment was performed in 0:38 1923 by an American physicist by the 0:41 name of Compton he he eventually 0:43 received a Nobel Prize for this 0:45 experiment and what he basically did was 0:48 he took uh uh an x-ray tube right this 0:52 this produced energetic uh photons right 0:56 so it's a source of high energy photons 0:59 and he directed those x-rays onto a 1:02 carbon block uh which is in this diagram 1:05 represented by by this little uh uh 1:09 Square symbol and he looked at the uh El 1:13 uh he l...