What are the modern philosophical questions and problems about space?
Notions about space that it forms the stuff of the universe is absolutely correct. The universe is comprised 100 per cent of space. Every phenomenon in the universe is a spatial phenomenon. Matter in the universe is a mirage. Matter is an illusory manifestation of space. Matter is the effect of spatial spin. The universe has a dream-like quality about it. To make use of ancient Greek notions of the universe: the cosmos belongs to the realm of ideas, which never for a moment step outside of the realm of ideas. The universe is a monolithic phenomenon, which solves the problem of quantum entanglement, which views the universe in a fragmented manner. One obvious consequence about the monolithic nature of the cosmos is that what happens to one part has consequence for the whole. The universe exhibits integrity as a characteristic. The above picture shows an archetype in the universe. The above two pictures are mathematically equivalent, the top expresses the bottom code geometr...