The Beautiful Structure of Cosmic Nothingness: Understanding Immutability
The Beautiful Structure of Cosmic Nothingness: Understanding Immutability. - I hope that this write-up is appealing to the imagination. It is not intended to be rigorous.. Since time immemorial, humans have wondered what life on earth was all about. They would not have missed the fact that not all patterns are exhibited in the natural world. Only certain shapes are exhibited in the realm of nature and these are beautiful. In the last couple of decades, we have deepened our knowledge to include fractal geometry. “A fractal is a never-ending pattern..They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems..” What are Fractals? — I came across fractals only lately, well after I went into retirement. Briefly, fractals are...